The Rooted and Edified Show is a fun-loving, no-facade, Bible believing, Conservative, Christian Worldview Show for men and women who want to hear the 4Ts: real-life TESTIMONIES, interesting TOPICS, TALENTS within the church, and THEOLOGY, of course! We want to help encourage you to grow deeper in your relationship with Christ and more mature in your walk... All with a few laughs on the side when we can get them in! **TARGET RELEASE DAYS: The 1st and 15th of each month!**

Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Christianity & Socialism: What You NEED to Know! Interview with Laura Zifer Powell
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Have you ever asked yourself… DOES SOCIALISM LINE UP WITH A BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW? Do you think socialism brings equal prosperity to all and/or that it is a more godly, virtuous way to live than capitalism is, according to Acts 2? Have you considered if socialism is on the ballot this year? And if so, what might you do about that?... Well… MAKE SURE NOT TO MISS THIS EPISODE! Join us as our special guest, Laura Zifer Powell, Apologist, makes sure we walk away from this episode equipped with the knowledge we NEED to have on this very important topic. Even if you think you know… You are likely to be surprised by the information you learned in this discussion.
- (4:43) Tell us your background and what drew you in to studying Christianity and Socialism?
- (9:35) What is Socialism?
- (13:38) Does the young generation [actually] want socialism? If so, why? And, how did we get here?
- (27:59) Do you think young people typically have an accurate view of what socialism is?
- (30:18) Does Socialism fit in with a Biblical Worldview? What about Acts 2?
- (41:12) Does Socialism work in the real world?
- (1:04:56) Is Socialism on the [2024 Presidential] Ballot? What should we keep in consideration as we vote?
- (1:24:17) How can listeners/viewers contact you?
- (1:26:32) Scripture Section and Additional Discussion
RESOURCES PROVIDED by Special Guest Laura Zifer Powell, Apologist:
Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell; Money, Greed, and God by Jay Richards
The Case Against Socialism by Rand Paul
Common Sense Economics by James D. Gwartney et. al.
Economic Facts and Fallacies by Thomas Sowell
Is Reality Optional? by Thomas Sowell
The Maker Versus the Takers by Jerry Bowyer
The Poverty of Nations by Wayne Grudem and Barry Asmus
Race and Economics by Walter Williams
Superabundance by Marian Tupy and Gale Pooley
The Knight and Rose Show (podcast), “Economics and the Bible: Was Jesus a Socialist?” episodes 30-32
The Rooted and Edified Show is available on: Amazon/Audible, Apple, Deeper, Google, iHeartRadio, Podcast Addict, Samsung, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podchaser, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn.
**Don't forget to check out, like, and Subscribe to The Rooted and Edified Show!**
Social Media:
Facebook/Instagram Handles: @rootedandedified The Rooted and Edified Show
YouTube: @therootedandedifiedshow
Quick Podcast Links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGleU6fRMAmyV5hoPDVIBwg
Podbean: https://rootedandedified.podbean.com/
Website: www.beyoutifullyrooted.com/podcast
Contact Us: Email Manny & Kat Elias @ rootedandedified@gmail.com
**Info for BeYOUtifully Rooted
(Women's Mental Health & Education Christian Ministry):
Website: www.beyoutifullyrooted
Social Medical handles:
FB/IG @rootnearthestream & YouTube: @ beyoutifullyrooted

Friday Oct 04, 2024
Jesus in the Old Testament: Christophanies... Interview with Manny Elias
Friday Oct 04, 2024
Friday Oct 04, 2024
Do you follow Jesus of the New Testament? Yes!... Did you know He is in the Old Testament, too? Join us as our special guest and cohost, Manny Elias, shares what a “Christophany” is in this 1st of 3-part series. Manny helps us connect the dots of how the Old Testament and the New Testament intersect in Jesus, and how ALL of this is relevant to us today! Get ready to deepen your dive into Scripture and marvel at the magnificence that is our Lord, Jesus Christ.
The Rooted and Edified Show is available on: Amazon/Audible, Apple, Deeper, Google, iHeartRadio, Podcast Addict, Samsung, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podchaser, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn.
**Don't forget to check out, like, and Subscribe to The Rooted and Edified Show!**
Social Media:
Facebook/Instagram Handles: @rootedandedified The Rooted and Edified Show
YouTube: @therootedandedifiedshow
Quick Podcast Links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGleU6fRMAmyV5hoPDVIBwg
Podbean: https://rootedandedified.podbean.com/
Website: www.beyoutifullyrooted.com/podcast
Contact Us: Email Manny & Kat Elias @ rootedandedified@gmail.com
**Info for BeYOUtifully Rooted
(Women's Mental Health & Education Christian Ministry):
Website: www.beyoutifullyrooted
Social Medical handles:
FB/IG @rootnearthestream & YouTube: @ beyoutifullyrooted

Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Vote Bible, Not Tribal! Interview with Dr. Tracey Phillips
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
AS A CHRISTIAN, SHOULD WE VOTE OUR VALUES OR OUR “ETHNICITY”? It seems as if we are at a point in time when these two things are not always compatible… and we must make a choice between the two when we vote. Join us for a RICH discussion with special guest, Dr. Tracey Phillips, Trainer for Blexit Corporation and Mental Health Therapist, who addresses the topic of tribalism and how it impacts us today. You are NOT going to want to miss this episode.
**FYI, This episode was recorded 7/10/24, just 3 DAYS PRIOR to the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump’s life… Our prayers go out to him, his family, the family of the victim who lost his life as a result of this attempt, and also for our nation.
The Rooted and Edified Show is available on: Amazon/Audible, Apple, Deeper, Google, iHeartRadio, Podcast Addict, Samsung, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podchaser, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn.
**Don't forget to check out, like, and Subscribe to The Rooted and Edified Show!**
Social Media:
Facebook/Instagram Handles:
@rootedandedified The Rooted and Edified Show
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGleU6fRMAmyV5hoPDVIBwg
Podbean: https://rootedandedified.podbean.com/
Find more information about us on our website: (Please note it is spelled “beyou”) www.beyoutifullyrooted.com/podcast
**Info for BeYOUtifully Rooted:
Website: www.beyoutifullyrooted
Social Medical handles:
FB/IG @rootnearthestream & YouTube: @beyoutifullyrooted

Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Making Change the Biblical Way! Interview with David King, DSW
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
Saturday Mar 30, 2024
WHEN YOU BECOME A CHRISTIAN, TRANSFORMATION IS INSTANT, RIGHT?! Well, no… Not necessarily. Many of us wait for change “to happen” to us like some sort of supernatural wave that is going to knock us over…. Only to find out that, even after accepting Christ, we are STILL US in character and mood. Darn. The truth is that though you hold the eternal position of a saint instantly, transformation and change often require us to walk the steps of growth and change to actually be more “saint-like”. Join us as we interview DAVID KING, DSW, MA, MSW, who utilizes The Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13 to help us do just that!! One hour here may save you years of toil and struggle.
Dr. David King’s Website: healingourpainfulexperiences.com
To receive a copy of Dr. David King’s Tree Model for Change: Email: DKingGLPG@yahoo.com
The Rooted and Edified Show is available on: Amazon/Audible, Apple, Deeper, Google, iHeartRadio, Podcast Addict, Samsung, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podchaser, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn.
**Don't forget to check out, like, and Subscribe to The Rooted and Edified Show!**
Social Media:
Facebook/Instagram Handles:
@rootedandedified The Rooted and Edified Show
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGleU6fRMAmyV5hoPDVIBwg
Podbean: https://rootedandedified.podbean.com/
Find more information about us on our website: (Please note it is spelled “beyou”) www.beyoutifullyrooted.com/podcast
**Info for BeYOUtifully Rooted:
Website: www.beyoutifullyrooted
Social Medical handles:
FB/IG @rootnearthestream & YouTube: @beyoutifullyrooted

Friday Dec 15, 2023
Suicide & A Case For HOPE! Interview with Jon Noyes
Friday Dec 15, 2023
Friday Dec 15, 2023
SUICIDE AFFECTS EVERYONE… YET NO ONE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT IT. Let’s change that today! At a time when suicide is at AN ALL-TIME HIGH… We need to address the “elephant in the room”… looking it in its eyes, rejecting every one of its very lies. Join us as JON NOYES, APOLOGIST at STAND TO REASON shares with us on this subject… which is his #1 requested talk! As an apologist (and former lawyer!), Jon makes a case for hope that you won’t want to miss.
- STAND TO REASON: www.str.org
- REALITY CONFERENCES 2023/2024 (Middle School-Young Adult Apologetics Conferences): www.realityapologetics.com
The Rooted and Edified Show is available on: Amazon/Audible, Apple, Deeper, Google, iHeartRadio, Podcast Addict, Samsung, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podchaser, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn.
**Don't forget to check out, like, and Subscribe to The Rooted and Edified Show!**
Social Media:
Facebook/Instagram Handles:
@rootedandedified The Rooted and Edified Show
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGleU6fRMAmyV5hoPDVIBwg
Podbean: https://rootedandedified.podbean.com/
Find more information about us on our website: (Please note it is spelled “beyou”) www.beyoutifullyrooted.com/podcast
**Info for BeYOUtifully Rooted:
Website: www.beyoutifullyrooted
Social Medical handles:
FB/IG @rootnearthestream & YouTube: @beyoutifullyrooted

Thursday Nov 23, 2023
The Holidays & Difficult People: Interview with Kat Elias, LCSW
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
The title says it all, doesn’t it? Some of us have some “Extra-Grace-Required” people in our lives who we are bound to see and be triggered by and/or irritated by… soon enough. BEFORE you meet with your “loved” ones or your “not-so-loved” ones… Check out this QUICK podcast episode with Kat Elias, LCSW for 5 Tips on navigating these tricky encounters while maintaining godly character and safeguarding your emotional well-being.
*”Extra-Grace-Required people” is NOT a term we came up with here at The Rooted and Edified Show… [someone from our church did!]… But, isn’t it a great way to lovingly describe those that are a little more difficult to deal with?!
The Rooted and Edified Show is available on: Amazon/Audible, Apple, Deeper, Google, iHeartRadio, Podcast Addict, Samsung, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podchaser, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn.
**Don't forget to check out, like, and Subscribe to The Rooted and Edified Show!**
Social Media:
Facebook/Instagram Handles:
@rootedandedified The Rooted and Edified Show
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGleU6fRMAmyV5hoPDVIBwg
Podbean: https://rootedandedified.podbean.com/
Find more information about us on our website: (Please note it is spelled “beyou”) www.beyoutifullyrooted.com/podcast
**Info for BeYOUtifully Rooted:
Website: www.beyoutifullyrooted
Social Medical handles:
FB/IG @rootnearthestream & YouTube: @beyoutifullyrooted

Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Gaining a Biblical Worldview & Keeping It: Interview with Robby Lashua
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Before Christ, we seek the world’s wisdom only to be greeted by its ugly counterpart: folly. What do we find when we hold a worldly worldview? Odd hypotheses. Conflated concepts and issues. Constant contradictions. Lies and deception. The world tries to lure you in and entice you like a hypnotic snake. (Where have we seen that before?!) JOIN US as we interview ROBBY LASHUA, APOLOGIST at STAND TO REASON as he educates us on what in the world is a worldview in the first place, what is a Biblical worldview, how we get one… and once we have one, how do we keep it? At a time when the world seems to be applauding “progressive” Christians for “deconstructing” their faith… You won’t want to miss this episode.
STAND TO REASON: www.str.org
REALITY CONFERENCES 2023 (Middle School-Young Adult Apologetics Conferences): www.realityapologetics.com
***FYI, amidst what felt like one million interruptions and tech difficulties on this recording day (Most were worked out!)… Our camera decided to go ballistic and stopped working around minute 39! So, you can expect recording from a different camera after that. Thanks for your grace!***
The Rooted and Edified Show is available on: Amazon/Audible, Apple, Deeper, Google, iHeartRadio, Podcast Addict, Samsung, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podchaser, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn.
**Don't forget to check out, like, and Subscribe to The Rooted and Edified Show!**
Social Media:
Facebook/Instagram Handles:
@rootedandedified The Rooted and Edified Show
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGleU6fRMAmyV5hoPDVIBwg
Podbean: https://rootedandedified.podbean.com/
Find more information about us on our website: (Please note it is spelled “beyou”) www.beyoutifullyrooted.com/podcast
**Info for BeYOUtifully Rooted:
Website: www.beyoutifullyrooted
Social Medical handles:
FB/IG @rootnearthestream & YouTube: @beyoutifullyrooted

Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Boundaries & Our Christian Walk: Interview with Manny & Kat Elias, LCSW
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
GOD HAS BOUNDARIES. We should too. Often our boundaries are too few, too many, too hard, too soft, and/or sometimes they are just downright non-existent. Sound familiar? If so, there is good news for you: BOUNDARIES ARE NOT GENETIC… They are learned, shaped, developed, and/or reinforced (etc.)… SO, YOU CAN RE-LEARN THEM! [But, healthy ones this time!] Join Bible Teacher, Manny Elias, and Mental Health Therapist, Kat Elias, LCSW for this jam-packed, rich discussion about boundaries and how they relate to our Christian walk:
- What are they?
- Why do we want them?
- What kind should we have?
- How do we get started?
- Where does grace fit into the conversation on boundaries?
The Rooted and Edified Show is available on: Amazon/Audible, Apple, Deeper, Google, iHeartRadio, Podcast Addict, Samsung, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podchaser, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn.
**Don't forget to check out, like, and Subscribe to The Rooted and Edified Show!**
Social Media:
Facebook/Instagram Handles: @rootedandedified The Rooted and Edified Show YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGleU6fRMAmyV5hoPDVIBwg Podbean: https://rootedandedified.podbean.com/
Find more information about us on our website: (Please note it is spelled “beyou”) www.beyoutifullyrooted.com/podcast
**Info for BeYOUtifully Rooted:
Website: www.beyoutifullyrooted
Social Medical handles:
FB/IG @rootnearthestream & YouTube: @beyoutifullyrooted

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Occultism: In & Out of the Church! Interview with Manny Elias
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
WE WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING! (Don’t we?!) We will go to SPECIAL LENGTHS to search for SPECIAL REVELATION and have SPECIAL EXPERIENCES. Seems like a new concept… but this has been going on since the Garden of Eden. It seems like occultism only affects non-believers as non-believers typically WANT spirituality WITHOUT having to accept Jesus… but, nope, it doesn’t only affect the world… it can creep into the church too. Join us as MANNY ELIAS, Special guest AND Cohost of The Rooted and Edified Show, helps us understand the who’s, what’s, where’s, and the why’s of occultism, in and out of the church. Find out what can take you or someone you know away from the occults.
**Special Note from Kat Elias: I’m still working on the ins/outs of production and we ended up not being exactly in the center for the camera. Ay, ay, ay.😊 Sorry, if it bugs you. We appreciate your grace and kindness. Please remember to keep us in your prayers and give us a like and subscribe if you would! We appreciate you.
[**NEW episodes released on the 1st and the 15th of the month!**]
The Rooted and Edified Show is available on: Amazon/Audible, Apple, Deeper, Google, iHeartRadio, Podcast Addict, Samsung, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podchaser, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn.
**Don't forget to check out, like, and Subscribe to The Rooted and Edified Show!**
Social Media:
Facebook/Instagram Handles: @rootedandedified The Rooted and Edified Show
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGleU6fRMAmyV5hoPDVIBwg
Podbean: https://rootedandedified.podbean.com/
Find more information about us on our website: (Please note it is spelled “beyou”) www.beyoutifullyrooted.com/podcast
**Info for BeYOUtifully Rooted:
Website: www.beyoutifullyrooted
Social Medical handles:
FB/IG @rootnearthestream & YouTube: @beyoutifullyrooted

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Cults: What You Need to Know! Interview with Anna Kitko
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
CULTS. Have you ever wondered about the ins-and-outs of cults? Have you or a loved one had experience with a cult? If so, you’re not alone! Join us as we interview Anna Kitko, Cult Specialist, who graciously and concisely answers our questions about how cults recruit, who they might prey on, why someone might be enticed to join [and leave!], what abuses can occur, and identifies some of the red flags to look out for indicating that a cult may be at hand. Anna shares about the mental health issues she typically sees in practice, gives an overview of how she treats symptomology, and shares oh-so important resources with us.
Anna Kitko is a Christian Apologist and Professor and has a Master of Arts Degree in Biblical Studies. She is near completion of her 2nd Master’s Degree in the area of Science in the Psychology of Coercive Control and is currently under supervision for her licensure as a Clinical Pastoral Therapist.
RESOURCES DISCUSSED in this episode:
Anna Kitko’s YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@annakitko
Integrated Wellness, Inc… Clinic with Anna Kitko: www.integratedwellnesstn.com
Be Emboldened Ministries: www.beemboldened.com
Ratio Christi Ministries: www.ratiochristi.org
International Cultic Studies Association: www.icsahome.com
Cultish Podcast: www.thecultishshow.com
Disciple Making (Book) written by Kenneth M. Smith and Caleb D. Smith: https://www.amazon.com/Disciplemaking-Kenneth-Smith/dp/1633572455
ABOUT OUR PODCAST: The Rooted and Edified Show is available on: Amazon/Audible, Apple, Deeper, Google, iHeartRadio, Podcast Addict, Samsung, Listen Notes, Pandora, Podchaser, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn.
**Don't forget to check out, like, and Subscribe to The Rooted and Edified Show!**
Social Media:
Facebook/Instagram Handles: @rootedandedified The Rooted and Edified Show
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGleU6fRMAmyV5hoPDVIBwg
Podbean: https://rootedandedified.podbean.com/
Find more information about us on our website:(Please note it is spelled “beyou”) www.beyoutifullyrooted.com/podcast
**Info for BeYOUtifully Rooted:
Website: www.beyoutifullyrooted
Social Medical handles:
FB/IG @rootnearthestream
YouTube: @beyoutifullyrooted